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Maintaining a healthy diet and keeping up a regular exercise regimen can go a long way toward preventing menstrual pain. A 2016 study of 250 women found significant differences between period pain in women who maintained a nutritious diet, exercised regularly, and reduced stress. To relieve back pain, a heating pad can be applied to the lower back.

If you experience this type of pain, it’s important to see your doctor, Thielen says. You can also take boron supplements if your diet doesn’t provide enough. However, you should consult your doctor before taking boron supplements. Always make sure you’re buying herbs and supplements from a reputable source, as they are not regulated. While most of these herbal remedies have few side effects, check with your doctor before trying them.
Home Remedies for Menstrual Pain
It’s also not a good idea to drink alcohol because it can cause pain, cramps, and inflammation. One of the most popular methods for relaxing cramped muscles is to apply heat over them. Keeping a hot water bag, heating pads or hot water bottle over the abdomen might help relieve muscular cramps. Another benefit of hot water bags or heat pads is that they enhance circulation around the abdomen area, which can assist in alleviating overall pain. Dark chocolate is an excellent source of magnesium, which helps to reduce period pain and menstrual cramps. Magnesium is a mineral that works to relax muscles, which can make it easier to breathe when you're in pain.

When the wall of the womb contracts, it compresses the blood vessels lining your womb. This temporarily cuts off the blood supply and oxygen supply to your womb. Without oxygen, the tissues in your womb release chemicals that trigger pain. Avoiding alcohol and tobacco.These substances can make menstrual cramps worse. This vitamin is synthesized in the skin when you get sufficient morning sun.
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The scientific name of period cramps is dysmenorrheal, which means “difficult monthly flow”. This pain caused due to contraction and relaxation of the inner lining of the uterus during periods. The pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, thighs, and even nausea, headaches, and diarrhea are the symptoms of dysmenorrheal.

French maritime pine bark extract Take 60 mg of French maritime pine bark extract per day during your cycle. According to the study, the benefits increase as you take the pill and continue even after you stop. Dark chocolate contains magnesium, which relaxes muscles and relieves pain. Other magnesium-rich foods to try include a handful of almonds or pumpkin seeds. Can also be effective in treating menstrual cramps due to the warming and soothing properties of the herbs.
Next time you have menstrual cramps, give one of these natural remedies a try.
Some herbs may also cause unintended side effects, especially if you’re taking medication. Most of these herbs and supplements also do not include specific instructions for menstrual periods. Your doctor may have more information on dosage recommendations. Adding essential oils for an aromatherapy style of massage may have additional benefits.

Yoga asanas are the best way to maintain a healthy body and mind. Janu Sirsasana or the forward bend helps stretch the uterus and gives immense relief from the pain caused by menstrual cramps. Similarly practicing pasasana, ustrasana and sputa padangusthasana help in curing menstrual pain without any side effects.
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To compare the effects of aerobic exercise and yoga on premenstrual syndrome. A 2015 study that looked at 113 university students found that boron reduced the intensity and length of menstrual pain. While there are no clinical studies on the direct effect of orgasms on menstrual cramps, science suggests it may help.
The content on this website (/myhealth/) is solely for the purpose of educating and creating awareness about the domain. This shall not be treated as a substitute for professional advice or prescription. Every individual and their case is different, so the results of any of the treatments mentioned on the website may vary. Seek a medical professional for a personalized consultation. Also as per "Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994", we and our labs strictly does not determine the sex of the fetus.
Moving your body regularly can help to prevent and reduce menstrual pain. Not only are these symptoms uncomfortable, but they can occasionally be severe enough to completely confine some women to bed. As orgasms promote an increased rush of blood to the uterus, organisms have been proven to reduce pain during periods. The brain produces two crucial chemicals known as oxytocin and dopamine, which work as natural pain relievers for menstrual cramps.

This power plant boasts anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe painful menstrual cramps. Two of ginger's components, gingerols and gingerdiones, work to inhibit leukotriene and prostaglandin synthesis, decreasing period cramping pain, Dr. Greves tells us. Stash ginger chews or ginger tea in your office desk in case cramps catch you off guard at work.
Along with that, the nervous system induces referred pain in areas like the lower back and pelvis. This information is solely for informational purposes. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider. Studies have shown that TENS users experienced a reduction in period pain, improved quality of life, and took less pain medication for their period pain. Various studies have shown that acupressure may reduce the severity and duration of period pain.
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